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Bid Notice - Supply and Install Geosynthetics Cell 8a

The Southeastern Chester County Refuse Authority (SECCRA), is seeking bids for SUPPLY AND INSTALL GEOSYNTHETICS Cell 8a at the SECCRA Community Landfill.

Two original copies of the bid must be submitted to the SECCRA Office on or before 2:00 o'clock PM prevailing time April 7, 2022. The bids must be sealed and the envelope must be labeled with the words "SEALED BID: SUPPLY AND INSTALL GEOSYNTHETICS Cell 8a".

Bid will be publicly opened at 2:00 o’clock PM prevailing time April 7, 2022, at the SECCRA Offices.

Bids will be awarded promptly following the opening ceremonies of the Board of Directors’ meeting, April 13, 2022 at 7:30 o'clock PM prevailing time at the SECCRA Board of Directors’ meeting.

Copies of the bid documents (in Adobe Acrobat PDF format) can be obtained by downloading from the SECCRA.ORG web site. The bid documents can be obtained on or after February 28, 2022. All addendums, if required, will be listed on the web site as they become available.

SECCRA reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Bids. A MANDATORY pre-bid meeting will be held on March 16, 2022 at the SECCRA Office, 219 Street Rd, West Gove, PA, at 1:00 p.m.

The Bid must be accompanied by a Bid Security in the form of a certified check or bid bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the Bid, or $10.000.00, whichever is greater. All Bids shall be effective for sixty (60) days from the date of the Bid opening. Each Bid must be sealed and the envelope must be labeled with the words "SEALED BID: SUPPLY AND INSTALL GEOSYNTHETICS Cell 8a".

The work consists of supplying and installing geosynthetics on an area owned by the SECCRA, as indicated in the Bid Specification, for the SECCRA Community Landfill.

All inquiries concerning this bid are to be directed to Alan Roman, Construction Manager at the email address of