Current Pennsylvania law bans certain types of electronics (laptops, desktops, monitors, televisions, et al.) from being placed in a landfill with municipal waste. Instead, all such electronics must be recycled in an approved recycling facility.
Municipal trash haulers are banned from mixing these electronic devices with any trash going to a landfill.
This law requires consumers
Of these electronic devices to arranging for or take their electronics to an approved electronics collection location. Some retailers may also offer no-cost collection opportunities.
electronics recyling
Knowing that electronics recyling can be inconvienent and costly, consumers may also bring electronics to SECCRA and dispose of them in the designated electronics collection area, at no charge. Please note that this is only for individuals that reside in our service area.
If you come to SECCRA
Please notify the attendant at the "drive-thru window" in our scalehouse that you have electronics. You will be asked if you are bringing electronics as an individual or if you are bringing electronics on behalf of a business or other entity. We are not permitted to take electronics from non-individual sources. Therefore, if you are not an individual bringing electronics, you will be turned away.
Electronics to dispose.
In addition, when you arrive and speak to our attendant, you will be asked if you have other materials besides electronics to dispose.
If they are mixed with other trash, we will charge you for the weight of materials you brought to us for disposal. If electronics are the only thing you bring to us, then there will be no charge.
Based on our security video and the weight of the load you bring us, we may decide to charge you for disposal if our staff determines that the amount of electronics you brought to us may indicate that they might be from a source other than a consumer.