Other Items Recycled
The items below are only recycled at the SECCRA Community Landfill during normal business hours.
Auto tires
$3.00 each
Truck tires
$15.00 each
Tractor tires
$15.00 each
Refrigerant appliances
(we remove refrigerant)
$12.00 each
Other appliances
$5.00 each
Unchipped brush and limbs
$45.00 per ton
Grass, leaves, chipped brush
(must notify office before dumping)
$20.00 per ton
(Less than 500 lbs. or delivered by a municipality)
No Charge
Cell phones
Free through Cell Phones for Soldiers
Automobile Batteries
Motor Oil
Electronics under the Covered Device Recycling Act
Please note that our DEP permit forbids us from accepting electronics from business or institutions. We can only accept electronics for recycling from individuals.