Addendum #1 for the SECCRA Community Landfill SUPPLY and INSTALL GEOSYNTHETICS CELL 8a bid is now available.
Bid Results - Supply Aggregate 2022
Two bids were received:
- Allan Myers Materials, Inc.: $286,175.00
- Green Dream International, LLC: $423,281.00
Bid Notice - Earthwork Cell 8a
The Southeastern Chester County Refuse Authority (SECCRA), is seeking bids for EARTHWORK Cell 8a at the SECCRA Community Landfill.
Two original copies of the bid must be submitted to the SECCRA Office on or before 2:00 o'clock PM prevailing time April 12, 2022. The bids must be sealed and the envelope must be labeled with the words "SEALED BID: EARTHWORK Cell 8a".
Bid will be publicly opened at 2:00 o’clock PM prevailing time April 12, 2022, at the SECCRA Offices. Bids will be awarded promptly following the opening ceremonies of the Board of Directors’ meeting, April 13, 2022 at 7:30 o'clock PM prevailing time at the SECCRA Board of Directors’ meeting.
Copies of the bid documents (in Adobe Acrobat PDF format) can be obtained by downloading from the SECCRA.ORG web site. The bid documents can be obtained on or after March 7, 2022. All addendums, if required, will be listed on the web site as they become available.
SECCRA reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Bids. A MANDATORY pre-bid meeting will be held on March 28, 2022 at the SECCRA Office, 219 Street Rd, West Grove, PA, at 1:00 p.m.
The Bid must be accompanied by a Bid Security in the form of a certified check or bid bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the Bid, or $10.000.00, whichever is greater. All Bids shall be effective for sixty (60) days from the date of the Bid opening. Each Bid must be sealed and the envelope must be labeled with the words "SEALED BID: EARTHWORK Cell 8a".
The work consists of earthwork for construction of Cell8a, on an area owned by SECCRA, as indicated in the Bid Specification, for the SECCRA Community Landfill.
All inquiries concerning this bid are to be directed to Alan Roman at the email address of
Bid Results - Supply HDPE Drainage Pipe 2022
Only one bid was received:
- Ferguson Enterprises LLC for $117,624.00
Bid Notice - Supply and Install Geosynthetics Cell 8a
The Southeastern Chester County Refuse Authority (SECCRA), is seeking bids for SUPPLY AND INSTALL GEOSYNTHETICS Cell 8a at the SECCRA Community Landfill.
Two original copies of the bid must be submitted to the SECCRA Office on or before 2:00 o'clock PM prevailing time April 7, 2022. The bids must be sealed and the envelope must be labeled with the words "SEALED BID: SUPPLY AND INSTALL GEOSYNTHETICS Cell 8a".
Bid will be publicly opened at 2:00 o’clock PM prevailing time April 7, 2022, at the SECCRA Offices.
Bids will be awarded promptly following the opening ceremonies of the Board of Directors’ meeting, April 13, 2022 at 7:30 o'clock PM prevailing time at the SECCRA Board of Directors’ meeting.
Copies of the bid documents (in Adobe Acrobat PDF format) can be obtained by downloading from the SECCRA.ORG web site. The bid documents can be obtained on or after February 28, 2022. All addendums, if required, will be listed on the web site as they become available.
SECCRA reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Bids. A MANDATORY pre-bid meeting will be held on March 16, 2022 at the SECCRA Office, 219 Street Rd, West Gove, PA, at 1:00 p.m.
The Bid must be accompanied by a Bid Security in the form of a certified check or bid bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the Bid, or $10.000.00, whichever is greater. All Bids shall be effective for sixty (60) days from the date of the Bid opening. Each Bid must be sealed and the envelope must be labeled with the words "SEALED BID: SUPPLY AND INSTALL GEOSYNTHETICS Cell 8a".
The work consists of supplying and installing geosynthetics on an area owned by the SECCRA, as indicated in the Bid Specification, for the SECCRA Community Landfill.
All inquiries concerning this bid are to be directed to Alan Roman, Construction Manager at the email address of
Bid Notice - Supply HDPE Drainage Pipe 2022
Bid Notice
DATE February 4, 2022
Sealed Bids will be received by the Southeastern Chester County Refuse Authority (SECCRA), OWNER, at the office of the Southeastern Chester County Refuse Authority, 219 Street Road, West Grove, PA 19390, until 2:00PM prevailing time, on March 3, 2022, for SUPPLY HDPE DRAINAGE PIPE 2022.
Expected award of Bid will be promptly following the opening ceremonies of the Board of Directors’ meeting March 9, 2022 at 7:30 o'clock PM prevailing time. The Board of Directors Meeting will be held at the SECCRA offices, 219 Street Road, West Grove, Pennsylvania. All Bids shall be effective for the period of 90 days. Each Bid must be sealed and the envelope must be labeled with the words "SUPPLY HDPE DRAINAGE PIPE 2022.”
All necessary information for this bid can be obtained from a link on Any questions please email A prebid meeting will take place on February 23, 2022 @ 10a.m. The Southeastern Chester County Refuse Authority, OWNER, reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Bids.
Bid Results: Supply HDPE Pipe 2022
Only one bid was received:
- Ferguson Enterprises LLC for $60,289.24
Bid Notice: Supply HDPE Pipe 2022
Sealed Bids will be received by the Southeastern Chester County Refuse Authority (SECCRA), OWNER, at the office of the Southeastern Chester County Refuse Authority, 219 Street Road, West Grove, PA 19390, until 2:00 PM. prevailing time, on February 8, 2022, for SUPPLY HDPE PIPE 2022. Expected award of Bid will be promptly following the opening ceremonies of the Board of Directors’ meeting February 9 at 7:30 o'clock PM prevailing time. The Board of Directors’ Meeting will be held at the SECCRA offices, 219 Street Road, West Grove, Pennsylvania.
All Bids shall be effective for the period of 90 days. Each Bid must be sealed and the envelope must be labeled with the words "SUPPLY HDPE PIPE 2022.”
All necessary information for this bid can be obtained from link on Any questions please email
A prebid meeting will take place on January 27, 2022 @10 a.m.
The Southeastern Chester County Refuse Authority, OWNER, reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Bids.
Bid Notice: Supply Aggregate 2022
Sealed Bids will be received by the Southeastern Chester County Refuse Authority (SECCRA), OWNER, at the office of the Southeastern Chester County Refuse Authority, 219 Street Road, West Grove, PA 19390, until 2:00 PM. prevailing time, on March 8, 2022, for SUPPLY AGGREGATE 2022. Expected award of Bid will be opened and reviewed promptly following the opening ceremonies of the Board of Directors’ meeting March 9, 2022 at 7:30 o'clock PM prevailing time. The Board of Directors’ Meeting will be held at the SECCRA offices, 219 Street Road, West Grove, Pennsylvania.
All Bids shall be effective for the period of 60 days. Each Bid must be sealed and the envelope must be labeled with the words "SUPPLY AGGREGATE 2022 .”
All necessary information for this bid can be obtained from link on Any questions please email
A prebid meeting will take place on February 16, 2022 at 11:00 AM.
The Southeastern Chester County Refuse Authority, OWNER, reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Bids.
SECCRA Thanks Local Fire Companies for Response
A thank you to the brave men and women of the West Grove Fire Company, along with the Avondale, Po-Mar-Lin, Cochranville and Longwood Fire Companies for their response to our site overnight.
Two tractor trailers containing single-stream recycling caught fire and were destroyed. These trailers were loaded up waiting to be hauled to a facility to be separated and recycled. No other property was damaged.
While the exact cause is unknown at this time, it is more than likely this was caused by someone disposing of a cigarette butt in a recycling container or dumpster. When cigarettes are disposed near trash and recycling, even if you think they are out, they can smolder for a long time before igniting. This was probably the case here.
We greatly appreciate the efforts of our local fire companies and all first responders in keeping our community safe.
Bid Results: SR 41 Pipe 2021
Aaron Enerprises Inc. $307,650.00
Wexcon, Inc. $272,784.00 (Apparent Low bidder)
Mount Construction Co., Inc. $279,000.00
Bid Notice: SR 41 Pipe 2021
We have a need to install a drainage pipe which will need to be drilled under Route 41. Bids will be publicly opened at 2:15 o’clock PM prevailing time August 10, 2021, at the SECCRA Offices and will be awarded at a meeting of it’s Board of Directors’ meeting, expected to be on or about, August 11, 2021 at 7:30pm. A pre-bid meeting will take place on July 29, 2021 at 1:30 pm.
Bid Notice: 2021 Hydroseeding
From time-to-time we have a need to utilize a contractor for Hydroseeding and wish to solicit bids to do so. Bids will be publicly opened at 2:00 o’clock PM prevailing time August 10, 2021, at the SECCRA Offices and will be awarded at a meeting of it’s Board of Directors’ meeting, expected to be on or about, August 31, 2021. A pre-bid meeting will take place on July 29, 2021 at 10:00 am.
2021 Dockstader Foundation Grant Cycle
The E. Kneale Dockstader Foundation, a charitable public foundation formed in honor of E. Kneale Dockstader, announces its 2021 grant funding cycle. Applications are due on or before April 1, 2021 for southern Chester County projects that enhance the natural environment, and environmental (scientific/engineering) scholarships. This year, applications will only be received electronically through our website.
The Foundation’s mission is to make connections with and build understanding of our environment, encourage programs that enhance our natural environment, and reclaim a common sense of our environment in southern Chester County.
Project applicants will describe not only what they propose to do, but how they will involve others in the community who will be a part of a truly successful problem solving enhancement to the environment. Competitive grant applications will address underlying issues and not merely treat symptoms.
If you need more information, please contact Bill Stullken, Foundation Secretary: Phone 484-748-0050, Email:
What's going on along Route 41?
We will be doing some earthwork over a period of time on the property along Route 41 to excavate soil so that we can take it to the landfill to cover the trash received. When we do this work, we will first remove the topsoil and stockpile it on the property. After the subsoils are removed, we will then replace the topsoil so that farming can again take place.
The first phase of this project will run until approximately summer 2021. During this time, a contractor will be using several pieces of heavy equipment to dig the soil and dump trucks to take it to the landfill. Our plan, developed with London Grove Township, and the Chester County Conservation District, is to get the majority of the soil moved quickly to minimize any potential impacts. Work will take place during a typical 7am-5pm workday. When the first phase is complete, we plan on using one or two pieces of our own heavy equipment and a dump truck to move the soil with our own employees.
Below is a graphical representation on what we are doing.This same information is placed on a sign located at the entrance of the property near Route 41. It is important to note that this plan eliminates the proposed playing fields that were previously proposed along London Grove Road. It is also important to note that this property will never be used for waste disposal.
Save these dates for Environmental Grants
The E. Kneale Dockstader Foundation is moving forward with its 2021 grant round for environmental projects in southern Chester County. The Foundation will open the grant round on February 1, 2021. Grant applications will be due on April 1, 2021. The Foundation anticipates approving grants by the end of April, 2021. Applications will be filed electronically as was done last year. Access to the grant application can be found on the Dockstader Foundation Website,
2020 Earthmoving Bid Addendum #2
Addendum No. 2 is issued as part of the Contract Document, to inform and/or specify changes, which take precedence over information contained in the original Contract Documents. Unless otherwise specifically noted or specified hereinafter, or shown on drawings or schedules accompanying this Addendum, all work required by this Addendum shall conform to the applicable provisions of the Contract Documents. It shall be the responsibility of the Respondent to include in their proposal any cost implications of this Addendum. All Respondents are to indicate on the form of proposal submitted by them, acknowledgement of receipt and compliance with the contents of this Addendum No. 2.
2020 Earthmoving Bid Addendum #1
Addendum No. 1 is issued as part of the Contract Document, to inform and/or specify changes, which take precedence over information contained in the original Contract Documents. Unless otherwise specifically noted or specified hereinafter, or shown on drawings or schedules accompanying this Addendum, all work required by this Addendum shall conform to the applicable provisions of the Contract Documents. It shall be the responsibility of the Respondent to include in their proposal any cost implications of this Addendum. All Respondents are to indicate on the form of proposal submitted by them, acknowledgement of receipt and compliance with the contents of this Addendum No. 1.
Bid Notice: Earthmoving
We have a project out for bid coming up where we are generally moving soil around our properties, stockpiling the soil as well as constructing berms. The bid will be publicly opened at 2:00 o’clock PM prevailing time November 9. 2020, at the SECCRA Offices and will be awarded at a meeting of it’s Board of Directors’ meeting, expected to be on or about, November 11, 2020.