Bird Watching at SECCRA
The SECCRA Landfill is a great place to enjoy the outdoors. The landfill is open to the public for watching and photographing wildlife. In collaboration with Early Bird Nature Tours, SECCRA will offer bird-watching tours in the closed areas of the landfill. Reservations are requested.
SECCRA requests that visitors to the facility help ensure wildlife protection and avoid damage to the landfill’s engineered cover by observing basic outdoor etiquette:
- Stay on designated roads, wandering off roads could cause: erosion of the landfill cover, be harmful to nesting wildlife, and be unsafe
- Smoking poses a fire hazard and potential for an explosion if landfill gas emissions
- are present
- Be courteous to others
For dates and times or for more information contact SECRRA at 610-869-2452 and ask for Cate Valdes-Dapena or contact Early Bird Nature Tours at 484-340-7672 or by email: